Help us with a new engagement project - Putting Good into Practice

Have you been involved in Public Patient Involvement (PPI) groups? Are you interested in how data is used for planning and research in health and social care? Then read on…

HVM are designing and facilitating a public dialogue commissioned by the National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care (NDG) and Understanding Patient Data (UPD), supported by Sciencewise. The dialogues will explore how people assess public benefit in using of health and adult social care. These discussions with people in different parts of the country will allow the National Data Guardian to produce advice and guidance for those who make decisions on uses of health and social care data.


Your observations on our design process are essential, ensuring we have taken a range of views into account. If you’ve been involved in Public Patient Involvement (PPI) groups, we’d like your views on the materials and information we should use to stimulate discussion on health and care data for research and planning.

We’ll be running our roundtable discussions at the end of June. We are asking people who are part of existing PPI groups to join us for two of these one-hour Zoom discussions. Participants will receive a thank you payment of £50 for attending both sessions. 

For more information take a look at the roundtable call for participation, or the Easy-Read version.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact Grace Evans at HVM by emailing by 15 June 2020 or text Roundtables to 07985 514638 and we’ll call to discuss the details.


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