A National Conversation About Food

Politicians are getting us all wrong: especially when it comes to food
Citizens are telling us what they really want in #TheFoodConversation. They want a fairer, more sustainable food system. And they expect government to take the hard decisions needed to tackle the health, climate and nature crises. The Food, Farming & Countryside Commission (FFCC) have been convening a national conversation about food. This is only the start, the discussions will extend across the country from this winter onwards.

In the summer of 2023 a representative group of people, selected by random postcode lottery, from Birmingham and Cambridgeshire were brought together by the FFCC in a process designed and facilitated by Hopkins Van Mil. People took time online and in person workshops to explore policies for our future food system. You can find out what they said in the HVM report and on the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission website.

Key messages from the National Conversation About Food are:

  1. Citizens want government and businesses to act

  2. No evidence that public worries about ‘nanny state

  3. Voters across political parties are calling for government to make hard decisions to protect people and plane

In this film dialogue participants share their experience of taking part in the dialogue process:


Upcoming dialogue event to explore feedback of genetic information at Wellcome Genome Campus


Public deliberation: research access to Newborn Genomes Programme data