Launch of the Spectrum 10K Consultation

Today the Co-Leads of the Spectrum 10K Consultation Hopkins Van Mil (HVM), Leneh Buckle and Spectrum 10K launch the Spectrum 10K consultation.

To the right is a 4 minute film clip from the co-leads. This gives information on who they are and why they are involved.

What is the purpose of the consultation?

The purpose of the consultation is to improve Spectrum 10K, address concerns, and make changes to the study based mainly on what autistic people say. Changes will also be based on the opinions of others with an interest in improving the study including family members, and those who work with or for autistic people.

How to respond to the consultation

The consultation will run from March to May 2023.

The consultation includes four things:

  1. A survey available here - this is the main way to respond to the consultation and should be where you start your involvement. It will remain open for responses until the end of May.

  2. Webinars during March and April to ask questions and hear answers from Spectrum 10K.

  3. Drop-in discussion sessions during April and May facilitated by Hopkins Van Mil and Leneh Buckle.

  4. Opportunities for those who cannot access the survey in its full or Easy Read version to speak to or have a text conversation with HVM or Leneh Buckle.

The timeline for the consultation is below.

To find out more about the consultation and ways to respond email


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