Stakeholder Engagement for Water Safety Zones on the Lee Navigation

HVM was commissioned in May 2020 by the Canal & River Trust to run a short-term stakeholder engagement on the Water Safety Zones proposed on the Lee Navigation. The stakeholder engagement process aimed to:

  • Listen to and engage with organisations

  • Review feedback to inform next steps after recent difficult conversations

  • Understand current perceptions and give people a space to air their views to create a calmer atmosphere in which to plan and conduct future engagement.

Today we publish the report which can be accessed by clicking the report image to the left. The report sets out the findings and recommendations based on the three components of the engagement:

  1. Initial stakeholder calls with eleven organisations to understand issues, concerns and views on good outcomes for the Water Safety Zones

  2. An online form for wider stakeholders to share their views on the Zones (655 responses)

  3. Bi-lateral conversations between stakeholder representatives and the Canal & River Trust independently facilitated by HVM.

The Canal & River Trust have published their own response to the recommendations which you can access here.

We look forward to continuing our engagement with stakeholders of the Lee Navigation over coming months.


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