Our news
Genome editing: where to draw the line?
Human genome editing has been much in the news in November 2018. What does the Royal Society commissioned HVM report tell us about where people draw the line?
The privilege of facilitation
Reflecting on what a privilege it is to facilitate a discussion for projects in the Big Lottery Fund’s Help through Crisis programme.
What's important to communities in Wales?
Supporting people to think about how money raised from the National Lottery will make most difference to communities in Wales.
Inspiring new thinking
HVM are on tour in Cairo! Lots to inspire us in our discussions with Ministry of Anitquities staff and museum managers from around Egypt.
International Museum Academy: Egypt 2018
Excitement mounts at HVM as Anita and Henrietta head to Cairo in April to work with museum professionals and Ministry of Antiquites staff on their strategic planning.
Exploring Wac Arts' Heritage
Anita designed and facilitated a workshop for Wac Arts as a community engagement exercise exploring what Wac Arts and the Old Town Hall means to staff, trustees, project partners, young people and their families.
Continuing the genetic technologies conversation
On 7th March the Royal Society published the report from HVM's 5 month programme exploring public attitudes to genetic technologies. The report in full and summary can be accessed here.
HVM is 12! Help us celebrate
A message from Anita, Henrietta and Tisna in our 12th anniversary year:
HVM is celebrating 12 years of social research, stakeholder engagement and capacity building. Find out more about what we've been up to, check out our refreshed website and how you can help us celebrate.
Hearing the views of National Lottery players on the heritage good cause
In partnership with Resources for Change, HVM designed and delivered a series of dialogue workshops in 12 locations around the UK. The research set out to use creative ways to gain an in-depth understanding of the views of National Lottery players
Understanding the impacts of aviation noise
HVM is delighted to be working with Sustainable Aviation, a collaboration of over 90% of UK airlines, airports and air navigation service providers, as well as all major UK aerospace manufacturers. We are in the process of designing and delivering a set of focus groups near the airports Manchester, Birmingham and Gatwick.
Acts of Wanton Wonder
HVM is delighted to have been included in the qualitative research framework for Hull 2017 UK City of Culture. Read on to find out more about our recent adventures in urban myth.
Chew it over is out now
HVM is delighted to annouce that the Wellcome Trust has now published What's next for the future of our food, our health and our planet? The report summarises the findings from Chew it over a programme of dialogue interwoven with theatrical scenes commissioned as part of The Crunch.
HVM is hiring!
At HVM we're keen to grow our pool of facilitators and analysts for social research projects. We're looking for people as excited as we are by enabling people to be heard on emotionally challenging issues including climate change, the future of our food, our wellbeing and the arts and heritage that sustain our lives. So get in touch if your interested.
A flavour of the Crunch in 2016
The Crunch was a year long programme of public engagement. The report on the findings from the adults strand, Chew it over, will be published in the coming weeks. In the meantime you can get a flavour of what happened by watching the show reel and what was said in the soundbites. Read on to sign up to receive the report when it's been published.
Improving Lives: the Work, Health and Disability Green Paper
HVM recently facilitated a fascinating discussion on Improving Lives: the Work, Health and Disability Green Paper. The roundtable brought together academics working in the fields of disability and health. It was co-ordinated by the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) and the content was presented by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). There is still time submit your views - if you are quick!
Nearing the end of our heritage focused tour
On Saturday three HVM & R4C teams will visit Beamish in Co. Durham, the SS Great Britain in Bristol and Lincoln Cathedral on the last leg of our country tour focused on the heritage. For the last month we've been visiting heritage locations across the country to hear the views of National Lottery players on how their money should be allocated to the heritage good cause.
New Year, new website
Hopkins Van Mil is pleased to launch its new website with a whole new look and updated content.
Hearing the voice of National Lottery players
HVM is delighted to be working in partnership with Resources for Change on a public dialogue commussion for the Heritage Lottery Fund. From January we'll be touring 12 locations around the UK to understand the views of people who play the National Lottery about how funding from the National Lottery should be distrubuted to the heritage 'good cause'.